I am new to the Ozark School District this year. I am thrilled to be a part of such a great community. I am looking forward to a fantastic year. I have previously taught High School Math and am excited to have the opportunity to work with Junior High Students. Once again it is time for a new school year. I have many wonderful things planned for the year. We will be doing many hands on activities, as well as a number of group projects. I love to play strategy type games because they are a good tool to teach problem solving skills. We have new books this year for both the 7th and 8th grade classes. These are fantastic books with which we will learn many new math concepts. Junior High Mathematics is two years of transition. From elementary math to higher levels of math such as Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and the list goes on and on. Therefore, you can tell how important this class can be to your future. During the course this year I will push you to do your best. We will work hard have some fun and learn many new things about the most important subject in school today Mathematics.